#44 REFLECT | Ecofeminism as a solution to the climate crisis
Ecofeminism poses as not just a lens for the effects of the climate crisis on women, but also challenges the role of patriarchy in exacerbating anthropogenic climate change by bringing women to the centre of modern environmentalism.

#43 REFLECT | Silk: ethics, sustainability and culture
In this episode, Agrita explores the origins of silk from China and India, the unsustainable and unethical practices of producing the luxury material and how allowing cultures to evolve over time to meet the needs of contemporary society is not only important for community members but also for the rest of the living world.

(39) Breaking the trauma cycle as South Asian women with Aparna Sagaram
Transcript for the interview with Aparna Sagaram.

#41 Spiritual animal wisdom with Dr Linda Bender
In this episode, Agrita and Linda discuss prominent issues associated to animal rights violations but also emphasise on the need for humans to reconnect to their spiritual selves in order to begin to value their connections to every being and entity on this planet.

#38 Indian Farmers and the Sikh Community
This episode discusses the ongoing Indian farmer protest over the new agriculture bills and the continued marginalisation of the Sikh community by government, as shown by police brutality against farmers, to stand in solidarity with farmers and Sikhs.

#37 The Zero Waste Movement
This episode discusses the importance of Zero Waste, the need for us to decolonise the concept to decarbonise our economies and the key ways in which we can shift to a circular economy, with real life examples of how Zero Waste is carried out successfully.

#36 Dear Angry Women
This episode emphasises on the urgency to destigmatise and demasculinise anger so that womxn are able to practice health portrayal of their anger and work towards creating a more just and safe environment for themselves and other womxn.

#35 Holistic Approaches to Health and Sustainability
The need for health frameworks to be holistic to better solve health crises has become increasingly important, especially now that we are in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. This episode explores the three key approaches used within the scientific community to solve health issues in a holistic manner for the environment, humans and non-human species in order to achieve sustainability on all levels.

#34 Reflection: Reconnecting With Yourself
This episode is the final one for 2020, where I have an honest conversation with myself about the way in which I have gone about self-discovery/love and learned to have a healthy relationship with myself. Although this episode is all about my personal experiences and journey to acceptance of who I am, this episode is tailored for those willing to embark on a journey of self-discovery and are seeking for strategic ways to do so.

#33 Going Beyond Ethical Consumerism
As we become more aware of our collective negative impact on the environment, wide scale emphasis on purchasing locally and from ethical/sustainable brands through the political belief of ethical consumerism has risen. However, many ethical consumers are now starting to question the success of the belief and whether it has resulted in change in the corporate world or whether the problem of unethical and unsustainable production continues to persist but just behind closed doors. Listen to this episode where I discuss the problems of ethical consumerism, my personal journey with the belief and how we need to find a middle ground between purchasing ethical/sustainable goods whilst also challenging firms/industries to take responsibility for reducing their impact on the planet through consumer activism.