#84 Monica Sander Burns on remediating burnout culture through biophilic workspace design
In this month’s episode, we bring to the show Monica Sander Burns, a certified Forest Therapy guide and founding partner of Society of Trees, an organization helping to bring the rejuvenation of nature therapies to the workplace.

#83 Dr Michelle Pledger on dream designing for liberatory futures
In this first episode of 2025, we bring onto the show Dr Michelle Pledger, the founder of Living for Liberation, an organisation that supports liberation of self, systems and society, and academic focusing her research on cultivating culturally responsive teaching and classroom management for culturally and linguistically diverse students.

#82 Agrita Dandriyal on sense-making through the place of the body
As we begin to come to the end of the year, we hold space in this reflection episode led by our host Agrita Dandriyal for the sacredness of the places of our bodies in helping us navigate and make sense of these challenging and constantly changing times.

#81 Sunaura Taylor on tracing ecologies of multispecies disablement, injury and resistance
This month, we are joined by Sunaura Taylor, an artist, writer, Assistant Professor in Environmental Science and Policy and author of Beasts of Burden: Animal and Disability Liberation (The New Press, 2017) and Disabled Ecology: Lessons from a Wounded Desert.

#80 Leah Rampy on eco-grief and the paradox of reconnection to the more-than-human world
This month we bring to the space Leah Rampy, a writer, retreat leader, and educator who weaves ecology, spirituality, personal stories, and practices to help others deepen their relationship to the natural world.

#79 Maanarak of Grey on de-commodifying creativity and invitations for flow
This month, we bring back to the space the wonderful Maanarak of Grey to explore the ways in which we can balance capitalistic tendencies to monetise joy and basic financial needs in our lives, and challenge urges to perfect and structure as a way to expand our limitless imaginations.

#78 Nayo Shell on being seen in the natural world as people of colour
This month, we invite to the space Nayo Shell, the visionary founder of EcoWell Co., a transformative platform established in 2020 with a mission to deepen our connection with nature through wellness practices and eco-education.

#77 Camille Sapara Barton on growing cultures of care in communal grief tending
This month, we invite to the space Camille Sapara Barton, a writer, artist and somatic practitioner, dedicated to creating networks of care and liveable futures.

#76 Maanarak of Grey on artivism and playfulness in international development
This month, we invite Maanarak of Grey to the space, the artistic alias of Radinka Ustasia, a multidisciplinary artivist from the Caribbean island of Bonaire.

#75 Hajar Yazdiha on the politics of togetherness and imagining collective futures
In this month’s episode we are joined by Hajar Yazdiha, an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Southern California and faculty affiliate of the USC Equity Research Institute. Hajar researches the politics of inclusion and exclusion, examining the forces that bring us together and keep us apart as we work to forge collective futures.

#74 Katya Lovejoy on the remembrance of ancestral joy and resilience
Today we are joined by the wonderful Katya Lovejoy, a clinical hypnotherapist, trauma coach, and mental health educator who supports highly sensitive people to reclaim a sense of wholeness and empowerment after trauma. She approaches trauma healing from an individual, ancestral, and collective lens, and utilizes subconscious, somatic, and spiritual approaches to finding release and resolution.

#73 Agrita Dandriyal on regenerating hope in new times
In our first episode of 2024, we are joined by the host Agrita Dandriyal to explore the ways in which we engage in the complex regeneration of our material and non-material capacities with the beginning of every new year.

#72 Maribeth Decker on heart-led communication with more-than-human kin
In this month’s episode, we invite to the show Maribeth Decker, an intuitive animal communicator, medical intuitive, and energy healer, is the founder of SacredGrove.com, where People and Pets Heal and Connect.

#71 Rebekah Shaman on the healing politics of unity consciousness
Today we are joined by Rebekah Shaman, a plant medicine shaman inspiring conscious change in the urban jungle by bringing nature and humanity back into balance through working intimately with the Master Plant medicines Ayahuasca, Cacao and Cannabis over the past 25 years.

#70 Agrita Dandriyal on the gift in community-based citizen science
Today we are joined by the host Agrita Dandriyal to explore the wonderful research she got to conduct over the summer on the gift in volunteer-led citizen science as part of her MSc in Environment, Politics and Society.

#69 Chesline Pierre-Paul on repoliticising language and identity
Today we reunite with Chesline Pierre-Paul to continue on the conversation from the previous episode on decolonising our relationship with money as a means to build multidirectional wealth, specifically focusing on the liberatory practices of repoliticising language and identity.

#68 Chesline Pierre-Paul on decolonising our relationship with money through multidirectional wealth-building
In today’s episode, we are joined Chesline Pierre-Paul, an multi-award-winning DEI expert and global thought leader. Their mission is to help the most disenfranchised humans on Earth go from generational debt and poverty to multi-generational wealth and healing.

#67 Agrita Dandriyal on relational work in environmental science
On today's episode, we reshare the conversation Agrita got to be a part of as a guest on the wonderful Ximena Garcia’s podcast Traditional Medicine with Shamaflora.

#66 Samantha Mackay on living paradoxes and breaking free from trap cycles
We welcome back the lovely Samantha Mackay to the podcast to build on the previous episode on the Enneagram and personality mapping, focusing on a very complex but integral part of the tool - paradoxes.

#65 Samantha Mackay on mapping our trauma and chronic illness histories as a pathway to embodied healing
Today we are joined by Samantha Mackay, a personal development coach at Individuo, incorporating the Enneagram into her integrative approach to inner work.