#47 REFLECT | Finding the self in a broken culture of community
In this Reflection episode, Agrita explores the social crisis of community fragmentation within modern and Westernised societies, with a particular focus on the cultural divide caused by the individualism-collectivism approach for cross-cultural/national studies between/within Western and non-Western cultures.

#34 Reflection: Reconnecting With Yourself
This episode is the final one for 2020, where I have an honest conversation with myself about the way in which I have gone about self-discovery/love and learned to have a healthy relationship with myself. Although this episode is all about my personal experiences and journey to acceptance of who I am, this episode is tailored for those willing to embark on a journey of self-discovery and are seeking for strategic ways to do so.

#32 Men's Mental Health Matters Too with Gretchen Hernandez
In this episode I talk to Gretchen Hernandez, a men’s mental health coach and founder of the My Freedom Grove podcast. Gretchen believes that with the rise of feminism and the gendered roles still prevalent in society, we have essential prohibited men from expressing themselves or seeking professional mental wellbeing help, which only feeds into toxic masculinity further. Through forming a private men’s facebook group Unshakable and providing a platform for men’s personal journeys, Gretchen ensures that when it comes to removal of mental health stigmas, men should be included in the conversation too.