#81 Sunaura Taylor on tracing ecologies of multispecies disablement, injury and resistance
This month, we are joined by Sunaura Taylor, an artist, writer, Assistant Professor in Environmental Science and Policy and author of Beasts of Burden: Animal and Disability Liberation (The New Press, 2017) and Disabled Ecology: Lessons from a Wounded Desert.

#80 Leah Rampy on eco-grief and the paradox of reconnection to the more-than-human world
This month we bring to the space Leah Rampy, a writer, retreat leader, and educator who weaves ecology, spirituality, personal stories, and practices to help others deepen their relationship to the natural world.

#72 Maribeth Decker on heart-led communication with more-than-human kin
In this month’s episode, we invite to the show Maribeth Decker, an intuitive animal communicator, medical intuitive, and energy healer, is the founder of SacredGrove.com, where People and Pets Heal and Connect.

#71 Rebekah Shaman on the healing politics of unity consciousness
Today we are joined by Rebekah Shaman, a plant medicine shaman inspiring conscious change in the urban jungle by bringing nature and humanity back into balance through working intimately with the Master Plant medicines Ayahuasca, Cacao and Cannabis over the past 25 years.

#67 Agrita Dandriyal on relational work in environmental science
On today's episode, we reshare the conversation Agrita got to be a part of as a guest on the wonderful Ximena Garcia’s podcast Traditional Medicine with Shamaflora.

#63 Ximena Garcia on rainforest medicine, land ceremony and more-than-human kinship
Today we are joined by Ximena Garcia, the centre director of Peru’s Rainforest Healing Center, soon to be named Shamanflora, and certified Kambo and psychedelics practitioner.