#67 Agrita Dandriyal on relational work in environmental science
On today's episode, we reshare the conversation Agrita got to be a part of as a guest on the wonderful Ximena Garcia’s podcast Traditional Medicine with Shamaflora.

#51 REFLECT | The intimacy lens to community re-building
For the final episode of this year, Agrita brings to us a Reflection episode where she shares her awakening about, and gifted opportunities to relearn, Indigenous teachings on optimising community functionality through respecting and valuing all individuals and relationships which connect together to form the system of community.

#50 Revitalising connections to community and Earth through ethical storytelling with Sanjana Sekhar
We are joined today by Sanjana Sekhar, a filmmaker, climate activist, & Ayurvedic wellness communicator who uses her work in ethical filmmaking to amplify character-driven stories that heal our human relationships to ourselves, each other, and our planet, with a specific interest in socioecological justice, ancestral knowledge, and systems of re-nourishment.

#48 Unlearning colonial somatics as women of colour w/ Kelsey Blackwell
In this episode, we are joined by Kelsey Blackwell, who uses her wisdom within the field of somatics to support women of colour in their journeys to decolonise the entirety of their being through abolitionist practices such as Interplay and Pleasure Activism to focus on the sensations and language of the body.

#47 REFLECT | Finding the self in a broken culture of community
In this Reflection episode, Agrita explores the social crisis of community fragmentation within modern and Westernised societies, with a particular focus on the cultural divide caused by the individualism-collectivism approach for cross-cultural/national studies between/within Western and non-Western cultures.

#46 Reimagining environmentalism through the motherhood lens w/ Dr Allison Davis
In this episode, we are joined by Dr Allison Davis to share with us her deepened understanding of the role that mothers play as environmental stewards, due to their standpoint in the world, and the need for mothers to reimagine motherhood for themselves for sustained personal and planetary health.

#45 REFLECT | Spiritual ecology at the heart of environmentalism
This episode discusses the importance of spiritual ecology in rebuilding our broken relationship with Nature by giving an in-depth example of the evolution of spiritual ecology within India, how the abandonment of the concept has resulted in major environmental problems and how eco-spirituality can reimagine India's environmental movement.

#44 REFLECT | Ecofeminism as a solution to the climate crisis
Ecofeminism poses as not just a lens for the effects of the climate crisis on women, but also challenges the role of patriarchy in exacerbating anthropogenic climate change by bringing women to the centre of modern environmentalism.

#41 Spiritual animal wisdom with Dr Linda Bender
In this episode, Agrita and Linda discuss prominent issues associated to animal rights violations but also emphasise on the need for humans to reconnect to their spiritual selves in order to begin to value their connections to every being and entity on this planet.

#37 The Zero Waste Movement
This episode discusses the importance of Zero Waste, the need for us to decolonise the concept to decarbonise our economies and the key ways in which we can shift to a circular economy, with real life examples of how Zero Waste is carried out successfully.