#78 Nayo Shell on being seen in the natural world as people of colour
This month, we invite to the space Nayo Shell, the visionary founder of EcoWell Co., a transformative platform established in 2020 with a mission to deepen our connection with nature through wellness practices and eco-education.

#76 Maanarak of Grey on artivism and playfulness in international development
This month, we invite Maanarak of Grey to the space, the artistic alias of Radinka Ustasia, a multidisciplinary artivist from the Caribbean island of Bonaire.

#75 Hajar Yazdiha on the politics of togetherness and imagining collective futures
In this month’s episode we are joined by Hajar Yazdiha, an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Southern California and faculty affiliate of the USC Equity Research Institute. Hajar researches the politics of inclusion and exclusion, examining the forces that bring us together and keep us apart as we work to forge collective futures.