#79 Maanarak of Grey on de-commodifying creativity and invitations for flow
This month, we bring back to the space the wonderful Maanarak of Grey to explore the ways in which we can balance capitalistic tendencies to monetise joy and basic financial needs in our lives, and challenge urges to perfect and structure as a way to expand our limitless imaginations.

#76 Maanarak of Grey on artivism and playfulness in international development
This month, we invite Maanarak of Grey to the space, the artistic alias of Radinka Ustasia, a multidisciplinary artivist from the Caribbean island of Bonaire.

#58 Andrew Lang on redesigning sacred, communal spaces
Today we are joined by Andrew Lang, an educator in the Pacific Northwest and an alumnus of the Living School for Action and Contemplation.

#54 Non-linear living as multi-passionate beings w/ Dr Egypt Iredia
Today we are joined by Dr Egypt Iredia, a holistic medical doctor, naturopathic physician, multi-passionate creative, healer, poet, metaphysician, and non-linear creative.