#73 Agrita Dandriyal on regenerating hope in new times
In our first episode of 2024, we are joined by the host Agrita Dandriyal to explore the ways in which we engage in the complex regeneration of our material and non-material capacities with the beginning of every new year.

#72 Maribeth Decker on heart-led communication with more-than-human kin
In this month’s episode, we invite to the show Maribeth Decker, an intuitive animal communicator, medical intuitive, and energy healer, is the founder of SacredGrove.com, where People and Pets Heal and Connect.

#69 Chesline Pierre-Paul on repoliticising language and identity
Today we reunite with Chesline Pierre-Paul to continue on the conversation from the previous episode on decolonising our relationship with money as a means to build multidirectional wealth, specifically focusing on the liberatory practices of repoliticising language and identity.

#66 Samantha Mackay on living paradoxes and breaking free from trap cycles
We welcome back the lovely Samantha Mackay to the podcast to build on the previous episode on the Enneagram and personality mapping, focusing on a very complex but integral part of the tool - paradoxes.

#65 Samantha Mackay on mapping our trauma and chronic illness histories as a pathway to embodied healing
Today we are joined by Samantha Mackay, a personal development coach at Individuo, incorporating the Enneagram into her integrative approach to inner work.