#80 Leah Rampy on eco-grief and the paradox of reconnection to the more-than-human world
This month we bring to the space Leah Rampy, a writer, retreat leader, and educator who weaves ecology, spirituality, personal stories, and practices to help others deepen their relationship to the natural world.

#73 Agrita Dandriyal on regenerating hope in new times
In our first episode of 2024, we are joined by the host Agrita Dandriyal to explore the ways in which we engage in the complex regeneration of our material and non-material capacities with the beginning of every new year.

#67 Agrita Dandriyal on relational work in environmental science
On today's episode, we reshare the conversation Agrita got to be a part of as a guest on the wonderful Ximena Garcia’s podcast Traditional Medicine with Shamaflora.

#63 Ximena Garcia on rainforest medicine, land ceremony and more-than-human kinship
Today we are joined by Ximena Garcia, the centre director of Peru’s Rainforest Healing Center, soon to be named Shamanflora, and certified Kambo and psychedelics practitioner.